My relationship with the openSUSE project
I made my first Linux steps with S.u.S.E. 6.2 during my time at university and used this distribution for a very long time. Hot issues were adding USB-support as well as DVD-playback in which, due to my limited experience, I didn't succeed. I had some success compiling a driver for my Soundblaster Live kernel module though.
After university I worked in the photography licensing business in London, United Kingdom and installed a Linux server in the company I used to work for.
Unfortunately the parent-company, Logcom Solutions, who had initially bought our photo agency went out of business due to a cash-flow crisis. While our department was a profitable business profits went to cover the debts of the parent company and I had to leave London.
I am now living in Wernigerode, Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany from where I run a small business out of my home. You can find a link to my company site in the links below.
I enjoy working with free software projects and add pro-bono translations but also did that on a commercial basis for Mandriva S.A. where I translated the server offerings of the company as well as company brochures, flyers etc.
Further credits include numerous bug reports, translating parts of "YaST" into German as well as several upstream contributions notably SQL Ledger (accounting software) and KDE.
I am also an avid user of the wine-Software where I always have the latest development version installed. openSUSE does an amazing job in regards to packaging quickly. With them I have also sent in tons of bug reports and maintain some applications in the AppDB.