openSUSE:Tester Team

- This should include answers to questions like (specifically)
Where do we come from : around the globe
How do we perform our jobs
What skills do we posses
Objectives we want to identify bugs as early as possible in the development cycle to give developers time to find a solution and to give less technical testers a better user-experience.
Team Statement (if any)
Mailing List
- - Discussion about testing the openSUSE distribution.
Abonnieren - Abbestellen - Hilfe - Archiv
- A short intro and then , Link to Members page (should be sub-page) or connect.o.o .
How to join
- This should include answers to questions like (specifically)
Is he/she Eligible to join
Whom to contact regarding the same, (the Team Lead ?) :
Is openSUSE Membership required for the task : only for some tasks.
If there are no terms and conditions , then again whom to contact :
Tasks (optional)
- Nothing much to describe here. In short , provide a brief info on what tasks the team perform and how .
Test and report bugs on Factory, Milestones and Release Candidates
Currently Working on
- Tasks currently being performed to noted here .
Open Tasks
- There may be some tasks where the normal contributors can contribute apart from the team Members .
Additions (optional)
- Extra links to be posted by the Team