openSUSE:IRC Liste
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Internet Relay Chat (IRC) ist ein großartiger Weg, um direkt mit Mitgliedern der openSUSE-Gemeinschaft zum Diskutieren und Helfen in Kontakt zu treten. Zusätzlich zu den Gesprächen in den Gruppenräumen, können auch private Gespräche mit anderen Teilnehmern geführt werden. IRC nutzt populäre Client-Software wie Konversation, XChat oder Sofortnachrichtenklienten die das IRC-Protokoll unterstützen. Alle sind in openSUSE enthalten. Alternativ kann der Webchat verwendet werden.
Besonders Einsteiger und Neustarter der IRC-Kommunikation, sollten erst die Anleitung IRC für Neulinge lesen.
Hier finden sich alle registrierten openSUSE-Kanäle, die auf '' angelegt sind:
Kanäle | Beschreibung |
#openSUSE | Standard SUSE channel. Ask for help or support here. |
#openSUSE-chat | "Off-topic" channel, chat about topics not covered by other channels. Netiquette applies in off-topic chat also. |
#openSUSE-artwork | Discussing artwork related things |
#openSUSE-buildservice | Some build service developers and users do hang around here. |
#openSUSE-factory | Technical aspects of current development and test version. |
#openSUSE-kiwi | KIWI discussion and development |
#openSUSE-mirrors | Discussing mirrors infrastructure related things |
#openSUSE-project | Community discussions about the openSUSE project. Issues like its development direction or the wiki etc. |
#openSUSE-zsystems | Discussion and Development about s390x development on openSUSE |
#yast | YaST Discussion and Development |
Kanäle | Beschreibung |
#openSUSE-de | Deutschsprachiger openSUSE Kanal |
#openSUSE-de-chat | German speaking openSUSE channel for offtopic discussion |
#openSUSE-es | Spanish speaking openSUSE channel |
#openSUSE-fi | Finnish speaking openSUSE channel |
#openSUSE-fr | French speaking openSUSE channel | | Greek speaking openSUSE channel | | Hungarian speaking openSUSE channel |
#openSUSE-it | Italian speaking openSUSE channel |
#openSUSE-in | Channel for the Indian community | | Dutch speaking SUSE/openSUSE channel |
#openSUSE-nordic | Common Swedish, Danish and Norwegian openSUSE channel | | Polish speaking openSUSE/SUSE channel |
#openSUSE-pt | Portuguese speaking openSUSE-channel | | Russian speaking openSUSE channel |
#openSUSE-cn | Chinese speaking openSUSE channel (Simplified Chinese) |
#openSUSE-tw | Chinese speaking openSUSE channel (Traditional Chinese) |
Kanäle | Beschreibung |
#openSUSE-forums | The official channel. | | The channel. |